With the new system, you will need to reset your password by clicking here
Court Availability

Court Booking


$ 30 Hourly
  • Weekdays: 8am-10pm
  • Weekends: 8am-7pm


$ 24 Hourly
  • Weekdays: 7-8am & 10-11pm
  • Weekends: 7-8am & 7-10pm

Court Availability

By booking a court you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions below.

  • No membership fees
  • 7 days in advance booking privilege
  • Energy efficient, insulated multi-layer bubble
  • 5 permanent indoor hard courts (Plexipave surface)
  • ATP/WTA World Tour standard indirect lighting
  • Pristine clubhouse and amenities

There is no refund if the court is cancelled less than 24-hour in advance.

Club credit is provided if the court is cancelled more than 24-hour in advance. 

Transferring your booking to another user is not allowed. 

WARNING: Any individual who uses technological advantage to monitor calendars and/or book courts will receive a 6-month ban from court booking. Upon a next infraction, the individual will face a lifetime ban from our facility and services.

Please be courteous towards our staff and other players, and observe the following rules and court etiquettes.

  • To book a court you must be minimum 18 years of age. Please note minors are not permitted to have a separate account and book courts.
  • To enter the courts, the main player who booked a court must be present, all players in your group must have an account and their names added to your booking.
  • Players must claim their court within 15 minutes of the start time otherwise, we reserve the right to rebook the court.
  • A player is allowed to have 1 booking of a maximum of 2 consecutive hours per day.
  • We reserve the right to change your court if needed.
  • To reduce crossing paths, players must enter and exit the courts in a clockwise direction. 
  • Only four (4) players are permitted per court at any time.
  • Players must wear appropriate tennis attire and non-marking tennis shoes.  No clay-court shoes.
  • No more than six (6) balls are allowed on the court, except for our programs.
  • No chewing gum, food or drink (except water) on the courts.
  • No coaching on the courts.
  • Court divider nets may be closed for the comfort of those needing a contained court.
  • To accommodate a safe entrance and exit, players must vacate the court promptly 5 minutes before their booking ends.
  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside or outside of the Centre.
  • We reserve the right to revoke your court booking privileges if you violate the integrity and fairness of the booking system and refuse to serve you in future should you fail to follow our facility’s rules.